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Loving God, Serving People - Serving God, Loving People

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

40 East Church Street, Adams, NY 13605
(315) 232-2916

Worship Sunday: 9:30am


“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Let the whole earth stand in awe of him.” Psalm 96:9

Emmanuel worships at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday, celebrating the Holy Eucharist most weeks. Morning Prayer is led by lay persons once every two months. All services last about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. Nursery care is provided. As "The Book of Common Prayer" notes, our desire during corporate worship is to "unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God's Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments." All are welcome at service -- visitors, seekers, the curious -- to join us in experiencing God's presence, goodness and love.

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Emmanuel Episcopal

40 East Church Street, Adams, NY 13605

Worship Sunday: 9:30am

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Emmanuel Episcopal

40 East Church Street, Adams, NY 13605

Worship Sunday: 9:30am

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St. Luke's Chapel

13357 County Rte 123, Henderson, NY 13650

Sunday 7:45 am (July and August)

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St. Luke's Chapel

13357 County Rte 123, Henderson, NY 13650

Sunday 7:45 am (July and August)


John Greenwood
Russ Greenwood
Norm Yerdon

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Russ Greenwood
Gretchen Martelle
John McFadden
Norm Yerdon


Jackie Dowling
Tom Dowling
Gretchen Martelle
John McFadden
Shirley McFadden
Cathy Peyton
Jodi Sheley
Judy Smith

Altar Guild

Rose Filippi (Director)
Sherry Ruoff
Renee Dougall
Rodney Dudley
Melissa Widrick


Sally Jerome (Director and Organist)
John McFadden
Shirley McFadden
Sally Smith
Lacey Dodd
Don Shaw
Cathy Peyton
Jen Brown
Rodney Dudley

The choir rehearses on Tuesday at 7:00 pm

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